Cassie Jenks’ plan to bunk off a school trip to an art gallery is abandoned when she connects with a painting. Directed by Ethan McDowell, Big deal films production for the...
HILDA is a gritty British drama set in modern-day London. Nearing her final year of school, Hilda’s aspirations hit rock bottom when she is forced to contend with the abandonment of her parents and...
‘Lúbtha‘ is a short film inspired by true events and follows the story of a teenager dealing with his sexuality whilst having to grow up in early 90s Northern Ireland. As physical and mental...
Short fasion film showcasing Rosie Von Buscan’s Burlesque ‘Constellar’ collection. In order of appearance: Katrina Darling in the Sadalsuud Playsuit and Tassels Evie Green in the Sheratan Bra and harness knicker Jazmin Isabella Vane...
Directed by Fran O’Hanlon Director of Photography – Joseph Hobbs Editor – Daisy Smith We spent a day in Ramsgate with Active Lives Active Minds, a community group who work with those at risk...